Wireshark alternative
Wireshark alternative

wireshark alternative

Why Does SSL Make Using Wireshark Harder? So we’ll be using SSL to refer to both of these at once. SSL has a successor, TLS or Transport Layer Security, that does its job better in most situations. This protocol uses multiple different encryption methods to ensure that data is secure when traveling through networks. SSL or Secure Sockets Layer is an encryption protocol working on the Transport layer of the OSI model. Wireshark helps network admins take a closer look at the traffic going through their network you can see inside the frames that make up each packet and take a look at the raw data behind them. Usually, one that provides higher complexity, but read about that in our last section! Often, it’s used in tandem with another network monitoring tool. The tool will take snapshots of frames, letting you sift through and analyze them individually. A lot of network administrators use it to help them with troubleshooting. Wireshark is a well-known network traffic analysis tool. Unfortunately, although encryption is good for you when browsing Reddit, it can be quite a hassle for network administrators.

wireshark alternative

Most sites these days are using SSL or TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption to make sure their users stay safe. Today, we’re looking at how you can decrypt SSL using Wireshark. When using Wireshark to monitor web traffic, you’ll find that a lot of the traffic is encrypted.

Wireshark alternative